Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here are some happenings in our classroom:
For Those of You who didn't get my email:
Thursday we are going to BYU to a Sports Hero Day Field trip. BYU has plenty of volunteers and athletes to run the day so we will not need Parent Helpers. WE will however need your student to be on time to school and if they did not sign up for a school lunch they will need BRING a sack lunch from Home that day.

Feb 8th will begin our first day of district keyboarding. It will go until April 23rd. They have a specialist teaching it and she is FABULOUS! Our class is schedule to go right at 9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m. each morning for the entire term. PLEASE have your child to school on time each day, it will be very helpful in their success.

If I didn't have a chance to meet with you during SEP's I would love to reschedule. I am available ANY day before or after school, just let me know! I missed seeing many of you.

Academic Schedule this week:
Vocabulary test for the next 5 Units: A list was sent home today to aid your students in studying their end of Unit vocabulary words. There are 25 words, the will need to know the definition, antonym and synonym for each word.

We are continuing with our reading of the Lightning Thief, looks like we might finish up this week. We will do some book projects IN CLASS and then hopefully start the second book in the series.

Math: We finished our section on Multiplying fractions and learned how the invert and multiply rule works so that we can now divide fractions.

Social Studies: Your students made some awesome scrolls to record the different Greek philosophers they will be studying.

Science: Your students are learning about the earth's tilt and why we have seasons...amazing how many adults forget this...

I hope you all had a chance to enjoy our "something beautiful" pictures and stories in the hallway, if you didn't please come by and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this is Tia. When are you going to post again? Don't mean to bother.... how about the party on Friday?
